31-05-2016 | 10:30 - 11:30 Register to an event

With what and when will the combustion engine be replaced in Japan?

When will we see the first self-driving cars on the Japanese roads?

How will traffic jams be reduced in big cities like Tokyo?

In many countries and regions around the world, there is a high pressure to replace the traditional combustion engine with something which is more environmentally friendly. Car manufacturers world wide are trying different solutions. Japanese car manufacturers were very early focusing on hybrid cars, but now the interest is more and more switching over to cars with hydrogen fuel cells. Will this be the future or will there be cars driven by solar panels in the future?

In the same time big efforts are put into “replacing” the drivers with computers, as well as making the whole transport system optimized and controlled by large scale computer systems.

The webinar was targeted at EU companies seeking to supply technologies, components or software for next generation cars, and want to understand in what directions the Japanese car industry is heading.

Topics covered in the webinar:

  • How large is the Japanese car market and how large part of this is environmentally friendly cars
  • What is the most common technologies for replacing the combustion engine
  • What new technologies are in the pipe-line
  • What are the issues and opportunities with these new technologies?
  • What is the road-map towards the driver-less car?
  • How does the intelligent transport system work in Japan?
  • Where are the opportunities for European SMEs


  • Introduction
  • Expert’s presentation
  • Q&A Session
  • Conclusion

Speaker: Sven Eriksson, Owner, Keison International 
Organiser: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation - Brussels Office

After Event Information


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