
Report: Telemedicine in Japan: Trends and Market Situation

About the Report:

This report provides an overview of the Japanese telemedicine market, with a focus on future trends within this sector as well as key applications of telemedicine-related technologies in Japan. In addition, it discusses examples of telemedicine services developed by Japanese private companies, and it also discusses various challenges traditionally associated with this market such as cost, infrastructure, legal and regulatory issues, etc. Finally, this report suggests what could be the best opportunities for approaching the Japanese telemedicine market.

About the Expert:

Dr. Nathalie Cavasin is owner and consultant at NC Consulting (created in June 2012) and has been working in Tokyo since 1996. Dr. Cavasin has extensive experience in forging important links and developing key contacts within the fields of academic research, corporate investment and strategy and government policymaking. For more information, please visit her profile page.

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