24-03-2015 | 10:30 - 11:30 GMT +1

What are the characteristics of the Japanese market for organic and health food?  Which future market development can be expected and how can the attitude of Japanese consumers towards organic and health foods (from abroad) be described? How can European companies enter the Japanese food market in an efficient and effective way? 

As in many other sectors the Japanese food and beverages sector has some peculiarities which companies interested in entering the Japanese market for organic and health food should know. Not only the Japanese distribution system with teikei communities and consumer cooperatives – fairly unknown outside Japan, import regulations and the organic certification system, but also preferences of Japanese food consumers play an important role in preparing sales plans, for example. While industry experts forecast market growth up to twelve percent within the next years, many Japanese consumers are still not familiar with organic certification and labelling. Can changes in consumer behaviour due to concerns about food safety after the Fukushima nuclear incident be expected? How these circumstances may influence the animosity against imported food products will, among others, also be discussed during the webinar.

This webinar is targeted at EU companies seeking to enter the Japanese market for organic (and health) food as well as at individuals interested in Japanese consumer behaviour and the Japanese food market

What you will learn during this webinar?

In 40 minutes from your desk, discover how to:

  • Export to and sell organic food products in Japan (Regulation and Labelling)
  • Assess the current and future market conditions for organic and health food in Japan (Market Size and Trends)
  • Find adequate sales channels for organic and health food in Japan (Sales Channels)
  • Rate the knowledge of Japanese consumers concerning organic food products and possible changes
  • Weigh up opportunities and risks concerning the development for the demand of certified organic food products (Chances and Challenges)


  • Introduction
  • Expert’s presentation
  • Q&A Session
  • Conclusion

Speaker: Stephanie KREBS - Mercator School of Management, University of Duisberg-Essen
Organiser: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation - Brussels Office

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