01-07-2014 | 10:30 - 11:30 Brussels time

What do I need to know before engaging in negotiations with Japanese partners in order to be successful?

Negotiating with foreign counterparts implies getting to work with them on a regular basis, with potential deadlocks deriving from cultural differences. In the case of the EU and Japan, cultural differences are so important that they can be a source of stress and a cause of failure if not managed well. Negotiation therefore requires extensive preparation when it comes to dealing with cultural differences.

In this webinar, we will look at how cultural differences between EU countries and Japan can impact negotiations and their outcomes by covering three dimensions: the people, the problem and the process. We will review a number of traps to avoid and provide with practical tips to help you prepare for your negotiations with Japanese partners. The webinar will be organized according to the following structure:

  • Part 1 - negotiation and culture in Japan: how culture impacts negotiation
  • Part 2 – Japanese culture and the people dimension of negotiation: building trust before doing business, having a long-term perspective
  • Part 3 – Japanese culture and the problem dimension of negotiation: what can be the deep motivations of your Japanese partners
  • Part 4 – Japanese culture and the process dimension of negotiation: how communication, agenda setting, logistics are dealt with by Japanese negotiators and how to adapt

The webinar is targeted to EU companies or non-profit organizations who are targeting the Japanese market and need practical tools to negotiate with Japanese partners.

Registrations are open until the 27/06/2014 included.

What you will learn during this webinar?

In 40 minutes from your desk, discover:

  • What is the impact of culture on negotiation
  • How to prepare your negotiations with Japanese partners
  • How to ensure long-term relationships with your Japanese partners
  • How to deal with cultural differences in the Japanese negotiation style
  • What traps you should avoid when negotiating with Japanese partners


  • Introduction
  • Expert’s presentation
  • Q&A Session
  • Conclusion


Speaker: Mr Glenn Salic, programme and training officer, Institute for Research and Education on Negotiation (ESSEC IRENE Paris, Brussels & Singapore) - SALIC Glenn
Organiser: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation - Brussels Office

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