
Cross-cultural issues: A first encounter

Understanding the Japanese people represents one of the single biggest obstacles for European SMEs wishing to break into the Japanese market. This month in "Cross Cultural Issues", we focus on First Encounters with Japanese partners. Information on the related webinar is available below:

Webinar: Cross-cultural Issues: A first encounter

A first encounter with Japanese business partners can be quite challenging. Having a realistic view of what can be achieved at all and what pitfalls are to be avoided, is of vital importance. Not only do you need to know about the basic business etiquette. You will also have to be acquainted with Japanese communication and presentation styles. No matter if you meet up with your potential business partners in Japan or your home country. To access the recording of our past webinar on this topics and consult the related presentation, please click below:

Webinar 124: Cross-cultural Issues: A first encounter

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