
Special Focus: Automotive

Knowing the specifics of the Japanese market is vital for any project to succeed. This month in “Special Focus”, we focus on the Automotive.
Information on the related sub-topics, latest reports, and past webinars on this topic are available on the following links. 


The Japanese automotive industry represents the core of the Japanese manufacturing sector: 8.3% of the population was employed in automotive-related jobs in 2015 and automotive shipments (both domestic and export shipments, including motorcycles, auto parts, etc) reached 60.7 trillion yen in value terms in 2017. The automotive sector is now fully aware of the environmental challenge ahead. For this reason, the Government of Japan has been promoting legislative modifications and technological advancement in order to tackle this problem. To read more, please click on the link below: 

About Automotive

The Japanese automotive sector accounts for 18% of the total emission amount of Japan’s economy. Even though the trend of reducing such level is uncontested, Japanese manufacturers still have not reached the CO2 emission levels of 1990. In 2016, the total amount of CO2 released in Japan was 1.22 billion tons. Both the government and the industry are striving to implement new policies while increasing the degree of technological innovation. To find out more, please see below: 

Green Personal Transportation


The technologies that might allow for fully-autonomous automobiles in the coming years have been all the rage across the world for much of at least the past four years. And Japan has certainly not been a laggard to participate with enthusiasm in a segment which promises to transform the automotive industry as well as the tens of thousands of companies that are part of the current supply chains for major automobile manufacturers across the world. This report titled "Autonomous Driving System Developments in Japan" aims to map out the current progress of Japan in this promising market. To access the report, please click below:

Report: Autonomous Driving System Developments in Japan

Intelligent transport systems have been a focus area in Japan for many years. In addition, driverless cars seem to be a promising approach to reduce car accidents and improve the traffic flow. This report titled "Alternative Vehicle Technologies in Japan / Intelligent Transport Systems in Japan" describes new technologies applied to the Japanese vehicle industry, with a special focus on replacement of the internal combustion engine as well as the development of driverless car. It also looks into alternative fuel technologies, advanced safety systems and gives some information on car-sharing services in Japan. To read more, please click below:

Report: Alternative Vehicle Technologies in Japan

Past Webinars:

Unknown to many in the industry, Japan has a variety of autonomous driving systems developments that will likely be adopted by major automakers in the coming years.  Major automakers like Toyota and Nissan are investing heavily, but so are a variety of lesser-known Japanese tech, chip and auto electronics companies.  Meanwhile, Japan’s government has made development of such autonomous driving systems a key priority for the nation. To access the recording of our webinar Autonomous Driving Systems Development in Japan and its related materials, please click on the following link:

Webinar 125: Autonomous Driving Systems Development in Japan


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