
Report: Update on Artificial Intelligence and AI Applications in Japan

This report is an updated version of a first study on Artificial Intelligence market in Japan published in 2016. This report provides an overview of the current status of artificial intelligence in Japan and AI applications. It includes information about the domestic AI market, governmental initiatives, and current and future trends regarding AI in Japan. Furthermore, the report delivers information concerning Japanese players from this sector as well as foreign companies active in Japan. Lastly, it provides various recommendations to EU companies for a successful market entry.

About the Expert:

With more than 30 years of experience from working in Japan, Mr Maths Lundin has participated in many projects within different business segments such as management consulting, home appliances and scientific instruments. Through Sweden Japan Consulting, Mr Lundin's services cover market analysis, feasibility studies, and market entry support for European companies planning to enter the Japanese market. Click here to access his profile page.

The recording of the past webinar covering this topic is available for online viewers here(Once you are logged in, look for the link below the "After event information") 

Picture: Artificial intelligence - The robot arm
Copyright: From public domain.

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