
Report: The Japanese Clean Energy Sector Development

About the Report

This report from the EU-Japan Centre aims to provide European businesses with a comprehensive analysis of clean energies in Japan. It will look at to what extent clean energies have influenced or are capable of influencing Japan’s economy, notably in its relationship with Europe. One of the key purposes of this report is to gather enough relevant information to help understand the transformation currently underway in the electricity market.  To that end, it will highlight the challenges and the main factors that will need to be overcome to help establish a more effective and cleaner system. This study should also look at the concept of clean energy in the context of Japan to highlight possible areas of improvement that may have been neglected. 

In order to accurately explain the broad and complex matter of clean energy development in Japan, the report will be divided into three parts. The first part will examine the electricity market structure, as a whole, including a description of the effects of the deregulation reform. This will provide the framework to understand clean energy development. The second part will focus on the Abe administration general energy policy, and specifically its clean energy policy with the aim of assessing what steps the government has taken. Finally, the third part of this report will analyse the clean energy market structure before 2011 and how it will evolve in the foreseeable future.

Please go to the EU-Japan website, to get the access to this report.
The report has been released within Minerva Fellowship framework managed by the EU-Japan Centre.

Report published by the EU-Japan Centre.

Picture: Geothermal power station in Matsukawa, Iwate Prefecture
Picture copyright: Wikipedia under the GNU Free Documentation License

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