
Cross-cultural issues: Getting in touch with Japanese Partners

Understanding the Japanese people represents one of the single biggest obstacles for European SMEs wishing to break into the Japanese market. This month in "Cross Cultural Issues", we focus on Getting in touch with Japanese Partners. Information on the related webinar is available below:

Webinar: Cross-cultural Issues: Getting in touch

Many products and services that are successful in Europe will undoubtedly also be appreciated in Japan. Just how to find and approach potential partners in the land of the rising sun? Our webinar titled "Cross-cultural Issues: Getting in touch" tells you all about the appropriate channels and strategies to introduce yourself to Japanese customers. It takes you through the process from first contact making to getting ready for your initial trip to Japan. Besides coming up with a number of hands-on tips, the webinar also reveals the background of Japanese business cultures, its basic values and thinking patterns. To access the recording of our past webinar on this topics and consult the related presentation, please click below:

Webinar 123: Cross-cultural Issues: Getting in touch 

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