
This month we are pleased to confirm that an additional 7 webinars will take place between January and April 2014. These new webinars will cover a wide variety of topics of interest to EU companies wishing to enter or expand within the Japanese market. More information about these webinars will be released very soon, but in the meantime you can already register for them by clicking on the links below:

2015 "About Japan" Webinars


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The EU-Japan Centre currently produces 5 newsletters :

  • EU-Japan NEWS - our flagship newsletter covering the Centre's support services, information about EU (or Member States) - Japan cooperation
  • Japanese Industry and Policy News
  • “About Japan” e-News (Only available for EU companies / EU organisations)
  • Japan Tax and Public Procurement Weekly Tender Digest (Only available for EU companies / EU organisations)
  • Tech Transfer Helpdesk Newsletter
1 EUR = 171,408 JPY