
Press Review: September 2014

In this section you will find a digest of some of the most interesting Japan-related articles which we have found on the internet in the last month. These online articles which have appears on a variety of English-language Japanese news sites over the past month cover a wide variety of Japanese business-related topics. These articles are also being tweeted via the EU-Japan Centre's official twitter account. Please follow us on twitter to receive regular updates!

Press Review for September:

Japan approves nuclear restart amid push to close old reactors

Mercedes Benz teams up with Super Mario in new SUV advertisements for Japan

SoftBank to release “Personal Use” Robots by 2015

Tokyo EV car-sharing trial to start in France 

Department stores gear up for duty-free expansion

Regenerative Medicine to be Insured (in Japan)

Fuel-cell cars to hit market in ‘15

CD-Loving Japan Resists Move to Online Music 

Tokyo's Haneda airport lowers landing fees

Picture: newspaper stand
Picture copyright: Wikipedia under the GNU Free Documentation License
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