
Press Review: October 2014

In this section you will find a digest of some of the most interesting Japan-related articles which we have found on the internet in the last month. These online articles which were published on English-language Japanese news sites over the past month cover a wide variety of business-related topics. These articles are also being tweeted via the EU-Japan Centre's official twitter account. Please follow us on twitter to receive regular updates!

Press Review for October:

Heavy-lifting cyborg-like device gives a helping hand to workers

Renewable energy scheme set for review

Label OK’d to certify healthy food

Biofuels planned for skies over 2020 Tokyo Olympics

Japan Technology / Carbon-fiber tech makes sci-fi real

Looking for something special? Gaze-tracking tech knows the answer

Medical spending hits high for 6th straight year

Blue LEDs make big splash in decade of practical use

Hitachi to provide new trains for Abellio franchise in Scotland

Free online manga browsing helps sell printed publications

Govts, businesses join hands to boost regional economies

Elderly people's athletic ability increasing

Ceremony held for first ‘made-in-Japan’ passenger jet

Toyota to release world's 1st FCVs in December

Women promotion bill adopted

Japan in Depth / Patent Law revisions hinge on proper rewards

EU exempts 3 JR firms from govt procurement rules

Spanish bank orders 8,500 ATMs from Fujitsu

Foreign visitors to Japan in September set record high for the month

Picture: newspaper stand
Picture copyright: Wikipedia under the GNU Free Documentation License

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