
Keys to Japan - Get help to develop a market entry plan for Japan









Looking to market your product or service in Japan ?
If so, the European Commission-funded Keys to Japan Competition will help develop a tailored Market entry plan for two winners.

Each plan is worth €10,000. The cost will be covered partially by the  EU-Japan Centre (€9,000) and partially by the winning SME (€ 1000). The plans will be prepared by the Japan Market Expansion Competition (JMEC).

Who is eligible? Applicants must be citizens of an EU Member-State or SMP-COSME Third Country(*), be at least 20 years old, and work in a management position for a Sme headquartered in the EU or in a SMP-COSME Third Country(*).

(*)  Please check the status of your country here. Please only refer to the sub-paragraph: "COSME strand".

-Application deadline: 3 July 2023

-Apply now:


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1 EUR = 171,438 JPY