
Call for experts in Key Business Sectors in Japan


The EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation is looking for experts with detailed knowledge of Japan’s Biotech and Japan’s Business culture.

The EU-Japan Centre organises annual missions linked to participation in relevant trade fairs in Japan. To ensure participants get the most out of their mission, the Centre also organises online pre-departure briefings in the form of webinars. The EU-Japan Centre is currently looking for an expert to lead the Online Pre-departure briefing of its next Biotech mission in Japan (2023).

Webinar presentation

The expert who will present an overview and the recent development in Japan for the following sectors: drug discovery, regenerative medicine, therapeutic and diagnostic agents, digital medicine and digital therapeutics.

The lecture is expected to last 40 minutes (Q&A session included). The webinar will be recorded for Biotech participants only: no publication on the EU-Japan Centre website.

The expert's proposal should include:

1) CV / biography
2) Additional information about any professional experience in the Biotech sector or publications you have contributed to...
3) An outline of the topics to be addressed in the presentation you would propose giving, and of the presentation’s likely structure
4) How much you would expect to be remunerated for your presentation.

Key Dates

Proposals to be sent to Diane LULA - by Monday,5 June 2023.

The final decision and remuneration will be made based on a combination of price, proposed contents and the candidates’ background / experience.

More technical specifications will be sent to successful candidate by Tuesday, 6 June 2023.

When is the webinar supposed to take place? In September 2023 (date to be confirmed with the expert).

The Biotech mission 2023 will take place from 10 to 13 October 2023, in Japan. More information available here.


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  • Japan Tax and Public Procurement Weekly Tender Digest (Only available for EU companies / EU organisations)
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1 EUR = 170,835 JPY