
Publications - Reports

In this section, you will find a selection of market reports, fact sheets and publications drawn up by industry experts. This page will be regularly updated and we encourage you to return for future developments.

Report: Export Fashion to Japan
This report provides an overview of the Japanese fashion market as well as the various requirements which EU companies will have to meet in order to successfully export to Japan.
Report: Organic and Health Food in Japan
This report provides an overview of the organic and health food sectors in Japan.
Report: Opportunities for EU SMEs in Japan’s Prefectures and Cities
This report provides an overview of existing opportunities for EU SMEs in Japan's prefectures and cities.
Case Study: Karalit: An Italian SME


Karalit was founded in 2007 as a spin-off from a

Article: The concept of Giri - Understanding obligations and building personal relations in Japan

Article written by

Report: Opportunities in Japan's Prefectures and Special Economic Zones

About the Report

This report, titled "A Practical Gu

Report: Robotics in Japan
This report provides an overview of the Japanese robotics market, outlines key future-growth areas and provides information on general future trends within this market.
Report: Regional Food Products in Japan
This report provides an overview of the regional food products market in Japan.
Case Study: Arkamys - a French SME


French-based company Arkamys is a world-leader i

Report: Guidebook for Exporting/Importing Cosmetics to Japan

About the Report:

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1 EUR = 170,821 JPY