
Publications - Reports

In this section, you will find a selection of market reports, fact sheets and publications drawn up by industry experts. This page will be regularly updated and we encourage you to return for future developments.

Case Study: GA Generic Assays GmbH: a German SME

GA Generic Assays GmbH – from DE

Founded in 2002, GA Generic Assay

Report: Telemedicine in Japan: Trends and Market Situation

About the Report:

Article: Opportunities in the Japanese Public Procurement Market

Article written by

Article: The Companies Act of Japan

Article written by 

Article: Direct Sales Entry Strategies in Japan

Article written by 

Report: The Japanese Solar PV Market
This report aims to clarify the recent evolutions in the Japanese renewable energy/PV market, and its implications for potential European investors.
Report: Nanotech Cluster and Industry Landscape in Japan
This report aims to provide an overview of the Japanese nanotech sector, its structure and the industry landscape.
Case Study: Debailleul: a Belgian SME

DEBAILLEUL - from BE       

Debailleul is a chocolate

Report: Transport & Logistics
This report focuses on the Japanese transport and logistics sector.
Report: Technical Textile Market in Japan

About the Report:

This report provides an overview of trends and opportunities

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1 EUR = 170,821 JPY