
Publications - Reports

In this section, you will find a selection of market reports, fact sheets and publications drawn up by industry experts. This page will be regularly updated and we encourage you to return for future developments.

Article: San-gaku-kan renkei: the Triple Helix Concept in Japan

Article written by Lyckle Griek, Owner, Japan U

Report: A Practical Guide to Intellectual Property Protection and Enforcement in Japan

About the Report

Article: Japan's Service Economy

Article written by Chieko Nakabayashi

Report: Human Resources in Japan Legal Aspects

About the Report

This report covers the essential legal aspects of Human Resour

Report: Software & Video Games

About the Report

This report examines the Japanese video games industry.

Report: Selling Semiconductor Products and Supplies to Japan

About the Report

Report: Nanotechnology Applied to ICT

About the Report

This report covers the main applications of nanotechnology i

Article: Japanese Customer Expectations

Article written by Masako Kato, Intercultural ma

Report: Human Resources Finding the Right Executives
This report will guide European companies through the recruitment and selection process of their executives in Japan.
Article: 2020 Olympics in Tokyo

Article written by Nathalie Cavasin, NC Con

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  • EU-Japan NEWS - our flagship newsletter covering the Centre's support services, information about EU (or Member States) - Japan cooperation
  • Japanese Industry and Policy News
  • “About Japan” e-News (Only available for EU companies / EU organisations)
  • Japan Tax and Public Procurement Weekly Tender Digest (Only available for EU companies / EU organisations)
  • Tech Transfer Helpdesk Newsletter
1 EUR = 170,821 JPY