20-10-2021 | 10:30 - 11:30 CET

This is the second round of the online training series “What you should know when exporting to Japan”. It briefs in 30 minutes on the latest information on export processes and procedures relating to EU exports to Japan. It also covers trade and administrative rules and regulations relevant to EU businesses which are new to exporting as well as those which carry out regular, on-going businesses with Japan.

Focus is given to small and medium sized EU enterprises (SMEs) and to those sectors which offer growing opportunities to EU exports to Japan, i.e., food and health sectors.

What distribution system, sales channels and e-commerce are available in Japan for EU exporters?

The heart of Japanese distribution is a wholesaler distribution model where wholesalers act as a business solution to both manufacturers/producers and retailers by taking on all logistic transactions, promotions of goods and financial risks.  Consequently, manufacturers/producers and retailers apply competitive strategies to control supply chains from upstream and from downstream of supply chains. 

When entering into Japanese market, foreign exporters face fierce competition from Japanese manufacturers/producers who use various tactics to dominate in distribution system such as affiliation with retail stores, generous return policies and financing terms, recommended resale prices and rebates. There are various types of retailers in Japan and foreign exporters may find it effective to associate with retailers.  Foreign exporters can indirectly approach Japanese retailers through distributors or can directly approach them

The webinar targets EU small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

In 30 minutes from your desk, discover:

  1. Japanese distribution system
  2. Japanese sales channels
  3. Japanese e-commerce


  • Introduction
  • Expert’s presentation
  • Q&A Session

Registration deadline: 19 October 2021

Speaker: Chieko Nakabayashi worked at the United Nations Industrial Development (UNIDO) in Vienna, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome, and Japanese bilateral ODA agencies. She is currently a professor and a consultant, specialized in cross-border business development in industrial and agricultural sectors and cross-cultural business communications.  
ModeratorPauline Laloux, Business Support Coordinator, EU-Japan Centre
Organiser: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation - Brussels Office



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