Cool Japan & Creative Industry

 Latest update: June 2023 

There is no precise definition of creative industries in Japan. 

In fact, terms such as creative industries and creative economy did not exist in Japan before the 1990s. Instead, they relate to industries linked to lifestyle and culture such as design, artisan products, fashion, art, tourism, advertising and food. Creative Industries are an important part of the Japanese economy and as a result, the government is highly involved in a process of marketing these overseas.

The wide range of potential benefits to be gained from doing business with or in Japan can perhaps be best demonstrated by the considerable global popularity of Japanese culture. The widespread popularity of Japanese TV, cinema, food, theatre, literature, and fashion are just a few examples of how Japanese culture has captured the imagination of European and Western consumers for decades. This page aims to provide you with some information on the "Cool Japan" project, a government-lead strategy to promote and sustain the international popularity and appeal of Japanese culture.

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Cool Japan/Creative Industries Policy
Christian Morgner, Governance and policy development of creative and cultural industries in Japan, 2018


Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • Economic Importance & Market Characteristics
  • International Collaboration
  • Cool Japan
    • Background
    • Objectives
    • Cool Japan Fund
    • Cool Japan Strategy
    • Ongoing projects
  • Relevant Organisations and Trade Fairs
  • Further Reading
  • Expert Report
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