Economic Partnership Agreement

On 17 July 2018, the European Union and Japan signed an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), the biggest trade agreement ever negotiated by the EU that will create an open trade zone covering over 600 million people. The agreement entered into force on Friday, 1 February 2019.

To raise awareness of the opportunities this agreement offers and to help EU SMEs take advantage of them, the EU-Japan Centre has launched an EPA Helpdesk to support and guide EU SMEs in their search for relevant information. The "EPA Helpdesk" answers EPA-related queries, organises webinars and publishes information packs each of them composed of a factsheet and/or practical guide covering a specific topic or sector.

Below is the list of topics and sectors impacted by the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement.

In each chapter, you will find among others:

  • Factsheets and guides available
  • Forthcoming webinar announcements
  • Past webinar recordings
  • Experts' Power-point presentations
About EPA General Procedures
Description of the general procedures of the EU-Japan EPA.
About the EU-Japan EPA
What is the EU-Japan EPA? What is its impact on EU trade?
EPA & Cheese and Dairy Products
Tariffs currently applied to hard cheeses will gradually be phased out to become zero for unlimited quantities as from 1 April 2033.
EPA & Fisheries
The EU-Japan EPA represents new opportunities to EU companies seeking to export fisheries to Japan. Under the Agreement, all the fish products have been, or will be liberalised over time. 
EPA & Footwear and Leather Products
Information about how the footwear sector can benefit from the EPA preferential tariffs.
EPA & Forestry Products
Information about the EPA's impact on forestry products.
EPA & Fruit and Vegetables
All fresh fruit and vegetables have been liberalised at the entry into force of the Agreement.
EPA & Geographical Indications
This page offers more information on geographical indications.
EPA & Human Resources Mobility
Information on human resources mobility after the effect of the EPA.
The EPA covers many different aspects of intellectual property protection, from patents to copyright, trade secrets, and common measures built on the provisions of the TRIPS Agreement. Discover more on this page.
EPA & Malt, Starches, Wheat Gluten and Albuminoidal Substances
Information on the complex effects of the EPA on Malt, Starches, Wheat Gluten and Albuminoidal Substances.
EPA & Maritime Transport
The EU-Japan EPA creates new opportunities to EU companies seeking to ship goods to Japan through Maritime transport. 
EPA & Meats
Japan will phase out under the EPA its ad valorem duties for fresh, chilled and frozen pork cuts, and significantly reduce the level of the gate price.
EPA & Processed Agricultural Products (PAPs)
Impact of the EPA on Processed Agricultural Products.
EPA & Public procurement
The EU-Japan EPA offers opportunities to EU businesses in the Japanese Government procurement market.
EPA & Rules of Origin
Clarifications are made on the Rules of Origin following the signing of the EPA.
EPA & Services
The EPA has an impact on transparency on domestic regulation and licensing procedures, independent regulators, and process for mutual recognition of qualification of professional.
EPA & SME chapter, technical barriers to trade & trade facilitation aspects
The EU-Japan EPA offers business opportunities for SMEs as it facilitates trade and reduces costs.
EPA & Spirits and Beers
The impact of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement on Spirits and Beers.
EPA & Tariff Rate Quotas
The EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement provides 25 TRQs for a number of EU products to be imported in Japan on a preferential basis.
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  • EU-Japan NEWS - our flagship newsletter covering the Centre's support services, information about EU (or Member States) - Japan cooperation
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