Hackathon is a hacking marathon to accelerate some solutions development. This format is very used in the “digital world”, but much less in the real physical product development and innovation. This webinar has the purpose to show what is it, and share some tips and tricks on how to use a hackathon to accelerate the product development.
Registration deadline: 02/11/2018
Topics learned during this webinar?
When you would like to accelerate a product development, and at least arrive to a (semi-)functional prototype, the product hackathon can be your first choice:
Speaker: Adriano La Vopa is founder of Smartangle, an innovation management and strategic consulting venture. He has an extensive experience in strategic innovation, innovation processes, innovation management and in facilitating some of the most powerful formats for accelerating business growth.
Organiser: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation - Brussels Office
Moderator: Luca Escoffier is a Project Manager of the EU-Japan Technology Transfer Helpdesk
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