
Cross-cultural issues: Working as an Expatriate in Japan

Understanding the Japanese people represents one of the single biggest obstacles for European SMEs wishing to break into the Japanese market. This month in "Cross Cultural Issues", we focus on Working as an Expatriate in Japan. By sending expatriates to Japan, the headquarters will have a better understanding of the Japanese market and improve communication with the local employees

Part 1: Practical Guidance towards Achieving Assignment Success

This first report and its related webinar offer practical guidance to EU-based organisations that are considering investing in expatriate assignments as a means towards exploring and exploiting business opportunities in Japan. The authors illustrate the risks, challenges and opportunities faced by EU-based organisations preparing to invest in sending employees on expatriate assignments to Japan.

Part 2: Step-by-step Guide and Checklist for Future Expatriates

This second publication and related webinar are prepared for expatriates and human resource staff to secure a smooth transition to Japan. It targets HR managers and staff to be sent to Japan as expatriate and explains matters such as taxes and social security systems as well as the cost of living in Japan and cultural-related issues.


> Find out more about Japanese culture:

Report: Cross Cultural Issues

E-learning videos

Further readings 

Picture: Sensō-ji, Taitō-ku, Japan
Copyright: Copyright Free

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