EU-Japan Regional & Cluster Cooperation Annual Conference & Matchmaking

cluster cooperation

Registrations open for our next EU-Japan Regional & Cluster Cooperation Annual Conference & Matchmaking

The EU-Japan Regional & Cluster Cooperation Helpdesk launched by the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation  provides a new platform towards mobilizing industrial clusters, regions and, and prefectures interested to reinforce existing or build new cooperation, in terms of industry, trade, investment, innovation, tourism, and people mobility. In addition to bilateral cooperation with European and Japanese clusters, they may also open up to joint operation with clusters in third countries , e.g. in Africa, South East Asia, EU neighborhood countries, Latin America.

Target Audience

Interested European regions and Japanese prefectural and major city governments, industrial clusters, and regional development organizations are invited to participate.


13-14th December 2022


For the full program and to register, please click here

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1 EUR = 156,155 JPY