
Get Ready for Japan - 2-week online training

Due to the current global health situation, the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation replaced its 2-week physical programme in Japan by a 2-week online programme. The objective of this programme remains the same: helping participants to get an in-depth understanding of how to do business in Japan

The 2-week 'Get Ready for Japan' scheme offers EU managers the unique opportunity to experience and understand both the cultural and economic elements which define and explain Japan's business and technological achievements. Continuously improved to meet the latest expectations about business in Japan, the Get Ready for Japan provides EU businessmen with a professional Japan-related expertise.

Training date: 31 May - 11 June 2021
Application deadline: 15 April 2021

The training is focused on business management and consists of a combination of lectures, virtual case studies and meetings. This is designed to help participants become thoroughly informed about the actual conditions of Japanese business through practical analysis and research. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss with Japanese managers about decision-making, team management methods in Japan.

Participation is free of charge. Click here to applyFor more information, please go to: Get ready for Japan on the EU-Japan Centre's website.

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1 EUR = 174,377 JPY