
On Tuesday 7 November 2017, the EU-Japan Centre will organise an "ICT Partnering Event" with the support of the Japan External Trade Organization and the Smart IoT Acceleration consortium in Tokyo, Japan.

The partnering event will be held one day before the “Japan IT Week” ( ), which takes place  8-10 November at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan.

Tokyo, Kasumigaseki Bldg. Plaza Hall

40-60 EU and Japanese companies and clusters/organisations

Internet of Things (IoT), Machine to Machine (M2M) communication
Software Development
Cloud Computing
Big Data Management, Data Center
Embedded Technology, Hardware producers
Mobile Solutions
Information Security


  • 20 European companies and cluster organisations which visit Japan as part of the ICT mission organised by the EU-Japan Centre (
    European companies and organisations can apply to participate in the mission until 29 June 2017
  • Additional European companies which plan to attend the “Japan IT Week” or which are present in Japan during the above period
  • Japanese companies in the IT sector; exhibitors and visitors of “Japan IT Week”; member companies of Japanese Associations and Clusters
  • Relevant partner organisations (EU and Japanese) involved in the event


Participation in the brokerage event will be free of charge for its participants.
A well-established B2B partnering software will allow to search for potential partners online and request meetings up to 1 month before the event. Meetings will be automatically scheduled by the software.
Bilingual (English and Japanese) staff support will be available on-site.


For more information about the event, please contact us via email, phone +81-3-6408-0281 or visit the event site.

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1 EUR = 174,362 JPY