
Japanese Food and Beverage Days - online matchmaking event

We would like to invite you to participate to "Japan Food and Beverage Days" an online Matchmaking Event for European Food and Beverage Importers, Wholesalers, Distributors and Retailers and Japanese Manufacturers and Exporters of fine Food and Beverages.

Date: 25-26 March (2 additional matchmaking days)
Deadline to register: 22 March

The event is an opportunity to meet high potential suppliers of Japanese food and beverages, to enlarge, diversify or build a portfolio of quality Japanese products. We believe that Japanese food and beverages will continue to gain popularity in Europe and some products have also potential outside traditional Japanese cuisine. Consumer demand will improve but may also change in a post-COVID environment and supply should be prepared for it.

Organisers: The EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation, the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO).

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1 EUR = 174,138 JPY