
Nanotech Mission to Japan – last call for applicants

The EU-Japan Centre is currently calling for applications for its next nanotech sector Cluster/SME mission to be organised in Japan, on 30 Jan. - 2 Feb. 2024, alongside the "nano tech Expo" (

· Mission dates: 30 Jan. - 2 Feb. 2024

· Application deadline: 5 October 2023

· Venue: Tokyo, Japan

· Includes the exhibition at the fair



The programme targets EU SMEs and clusters specialized in nano and micro technologies: (i.e. Materials; Evaluation & Measurement; Fabrication Technology) interested in doing business with Japan.


The EU-Japan Centre covers all costs directly related to the mission: the booth at the trade fair, interpreters...

The participating company is expected to cover travel, accommodation and living expenses.

The EU-Japan Centre will offer a €600 grant to help cover above costs.

Programme's objectives:

- promote your technology at one of Japan’s leading open innovation events

- meet potential business partners

- create new business opportunities

- develop partnerships and business cooperation in global markets


For more information about the mission and to apply:

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1 EUR = 170,870 JPY