
EU-Japan Networking “Aperitif” at BIO-Europe 2018 in Copenhagen

You are cordially invited to join the informal networking reception to mark the launch of the first EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation / Japan Bioindustry Association joint-booth.

This reception will give you the perfect opportunity to continue your discussions, in an informal setting, with buyers and other representatives of Japanese pharmaceutical companies who are seeking partners in the EU. You’ll also be able to taste an award-winning Japanese Saké.

Date: Tuesday, 6 November 2018, 17.45-18.45
Place: booth #44-45 (EU-Japan Centre and JBA) at BIO-Europe 2018 in Copenhagen
Contact (on the day): +32 472/204495 or +32 472/204294
Organisers: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation and the Japan Bioindustry Association

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