Knowing the specifics of the Japanese market is vital for any project to succeed. This month in "Special Focus", we highlight the CleanTech market. Information on the related sub-topics, latest reports and webinars on this topic are available on the following links.
Overall, Japan’s renewables market has experienced substantial growth over the past decade across most of the industry’s segments. Furthermore, this growth is expected to have substantial macroeconomic knock-on effects, as energy infrastructure R&D and reforms lead to both increased energy output and increased employment demand, capital expenditure demand, and demand for human capital and R&D. |
This provides opportunities for EU SMEs interested in Japan’s market, which have a diverse range of market-entrance possibilities, ranging from participation in the R&D landscape, to participation in the establishment or support for new energy technologies, to provision of energy generation and storage at various scale-levels, and using various technologies. |
Are you a EU SME interested in Japan’s clean-tech and renewable energy market? Watch the past webinar's recording and learn about the key technologies in Japan’s clean-tech market, the cost and trends, the market segmentations and its opportunities: |
The EU-Japan Centre currently produces 5 newsletters :
Joint venture established in 1987 by the European Commission (DG GROW) and the Japanese Government (METI) for promoting all forms of industrial, trade and investment cooperation between the EU and Japan.
The EU-Japan Centre’s activities are subject to the allocation of a Grant Agreement by the European Commission for 2024-2026