
Special Focus: Energy


This month in the “Special Focus” section, we focus on energy market in Japan.
Information on the various related sub-sectors, the latest reports as well as the registration for upcoming webinar on this topic are available on the following links.


Japan relies heavily on imports to meet its energy requirements because of a scarcity of natural resources. It is estimated that imports cover 80% of Japan’s primary energy needs. To read more, please click on the link below:

About Energy

According to data from the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), Japan is currently the second-largest importer of fossil fuels in the world, second only to China. This is a direct consequence of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. To find out more, please see below:

Fossil Energy

Japan is one of the most advanced innovators in renewable and new energy technology, undertaking huge amounts of research and development in these areas. If you wish to find out more on the Japan’s renewable energy market, please click on the link below:

Renewable Energy

Japan was one of the first countries to invest in smart grid research and development: in 2003, Japan founded the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), which manages several smart grid-related projects. To read more, please see below:

Smart Grid


This report aims to clarify the recent evolutions in the Japanese renewable energy/PV market, and its implications for potential European investors. It provides a detailed analysis of the policy framework facilitating the current growth in solar PV in Japan and it points out market entry opportunities. To read the report, please click on the link below:

The Japanese Solar PV Market

To access other reports on this topic, please click on the links below:


The webinar on the energy storage market in Japan will take place on October 11. The webinar is targeted at EU companies seeking to develop insights into Japan’s energy storage sector, it’s trends and relevant technologies. For more information and to register, please see below:

Energy Storage Market in Japan

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1 EUR = 173,304 JPY