
Special Focus: The Material Sector

Knowing the specifics of the Japanese market is vital for any project to succeed. This month in “Special Focus”, we focus on the Materials.
Information on the related sub-topics, latest reports, and past webinars on this topic are available on the following links. 


The material sector in Japan focusses on processing raw materials rather than extracting them, as the country itself is scarce in raw materials and depends on largescale imports in almost every area. The most important subsectors are the ceramics, glass and polymer industries. Each one of these industries is transforming towards the development and production of highly specialised products, as the global demand for fine ceramics, high-performance glass applications and carbon fibres is vastly increasing. Recent discoveries of underwater rare earth resources could also contribute to an expansion of the material extraction industries. To read more, please click on the link below: 

About Materials

In the global polymer market, Japan is a leading manufacturer rubber and carbon fibre. Rubber is a domestically important material for Japan’s automotive industry, an important pillar of the country’s economy. Not only is Japan one of the world’s largest consumer of rubber but most of its rubber is used for its tyre production, one of the main products exported. To find out more, please see below: 


Japan’s traditional craft industries, ceramic and glass-making, have recently found new applications in the automotive and aerospace sectors as well as in the production of technological devices. Japan's ceramic and glass production has a large share in the global market, and domestic demand for high-tech materials like bioceramics is increasing steadily. In the glass sector, manufacturers are increasingly expanding their business overseas and investing in smart technologies for automotive applications. To read more, please click on the link below: 

Ceramic & Glass


Because of the characteristics of composite materials – lightweight paired with a high degree of rigidity – and the demand for light weight and resource efficiency in nearly all industries, the market for composites has a high growth potential. This report titled 'The Japanese Composite Material Sector - Opportunities for EU Companies' gives an overview of the Japanese market for composite materials. In particular, it discusses the market trends for composite materials in the aerospace & defence industry, the automotive industry, the construction industry and the wind energy industry. For further reading, please click on the link below: 

Report: The Japanese Composite Material Sector

Goods made of plastics are indispensable to everyday life. Products and parts made of plastics are used in construction, kitchen items, electronic devices and cars, among other things. This report titled 'Plastic Products and Components' studies the Japanese plastic products and components sectors. It outlines the various regulations governing the export of plastic products to Japan, as well as the laws concerning labelling and packaging, taxes and tariff rates of plastics in Japan. . For further reading, please click on the link below: 

Report: Japanese Plastic Products and Components

Recorded Webinar:

Japan is not only home to large chemical companies that manufacture raw materials and composite materials, but also has a large market for composites in industries such as construction, aerospace or automobile manufacturing. This webinar gives an overview over the market for plastic composites such as glass fibre-reinforced plastic (GFRP) or carbon fibre-reinforced plastic (CFRP). It discusses the market situation in Japan with a focus on application markets such as automotive or aerospace and future trends. To access the recording of our webinar 'The Japanese Composite Material Sector Opportunities for EU Companies', please click on the following link:

Webinar 84: The Japanese Composite Material Sector Opportunities for EU Companies


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