
Special Focus - Premium Food

Knowing the specifics of the Japanese market is vital for any project to succeed. This month in "Special Focus", we highlight Premium Food. Information on the related sub-topics, latest reports and webinars on this topic are available on the following links.

Japanese spend a higher percentage of their consumption budgets each month on food. They have an appreciation for new and exciting ideas and products and will sometimes support up and coming firms even more than in those firms’ home markets.

While the Japanese organic food market is currently limited by various internal and structural barriers, the demand for healthy products from Japanese consumers and big players recently entering the market show that there is potential for growth.


Despite COVID, Japan has a flourishing premium food market. Japanese demand for great tasting, high-quality and innovative food brands from EU firms remains very strong. In fact, because competition between retailers is intensifying, demand for new and exciting products from the EU not yet sold in Japan is increasing.

For example, in recent years, both domestic and international factors are supporting a shift towards a more vegetarian diet: health concerns of an ageing society, excessive dependency on food imports, climate change consciousness, booming Asian and Western inbound tourism, etc.


While there are already many famous European food brands selling well in Japan, there is an opportunity for many more.

Register to our upcoming webinars to learn more about the Premium Food and Vegetarian Food markets:

You can also watch the recorded session of our past webinars on the Organic Food market and the opportunities for European food in Convenience Stores:

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