
Special Focus - Quasi Drugs

Knowing the specifics of the Japanese market is vital for any project to succeed. This month in "Special Focus", we highlight the quasi drugs market. Information on the related sub-topics, latest reports and webinars on this topic are available on the following links.

Quasi-drugs are medicines for the purpose of prevention of symptoms and hygiene : they have a weaker effect on the human body than medicines.

Some products, such as nutritional drinks, shampoos and hair-growth products, are considered “quasi-drugs”, whereas skincare products that are less effective than “quasi-drugs” are classified as cosmetics.


The Japanese market for quasi drugs has remained relatively stable over the past 15 years. The size of the market for quasi drugs in Japan is roughly 20 percent of the cosmetics market and the value has been hovering around JPY 900 billion (EUR 7.3 billion) for the past decade.

The main sales channels for cosmetics and quasi drugs on the Japanese market are the drug store chains and department stores.


Register to our upcoming webinar to learn more about the Japanese Quasi drugs markets and discover the various opportunities.

The aim of this webinar is to present an overview of trends and opportunities on the Japanese cosmetics and quasi drugs market under the Corona pandemic, and to deliver strategic insight, tactical guidance, and real-life examples of how to succeed in the market. 

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1 EUR = 173,432 JPY