
VULCANUS IN EUROPE - Boost your R&D Team - through hosting a Japanese student

The EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation is inviting applications from EU based companies to host Japanese students for 7 months, from late August 2021(*).

The students come from leading Japanese universities and are students in engineering, IT, biology, chemistry, architecture and many other scientific/high-tech fields.
They will be able to communicate in your company's local EU language.

EU company's advantages: a valuable addition to the R&D workforce and an insight into the Japanese culture, extremely useful for successful business with Japan.

- Application deadline: 15 October 2020
- Information & application form: 
- Contact: Margherita Rosada on +32 2 282 3715 or by e-mail

(*) 6 months, from late September 2021, in France

We hope that this opportunity will meet the interest of your company. Please feel free to circulate the above information as widely as possible.

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1 EUR = 173,177 JPY