Japan is about to spend big on AI for the education sector. Not today or next month, but in the next few years. Every sector of the economy from autonomous driving to the hospital sector will need AI knowledgeable workers, as well as a fair number of AI experts, to bring AI products, services and technologies into regular use as the economy transforms. Elementary and high schools, universities, as well as professional providers and trainers for specialized disciplines in Japan will all be looking for and implementing AI solutions. Japan is just beginning this total transformation of its education sector now.
About the Expert:
Jay Nelson is Operating Partner of Success Stories Media, Inc. and has been helping large and small corporations, investors and business owners increase their Japan-related sales and profits since 1997.
The recording of the past webinar covering this topic is available for members here (once you are logged in, look for the link below the "After event information").
Picture: developing codes
Copyright: From public domain
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