This report presents an overview of the Biotechnology market in Japan. After giving a comprehensive definition of biotechnology, this report focuses on the characteristics of this market by providing information on its size and structure. Furthermore it includes information concerning biotech regulation in Japan as well as a complete list of major players and their specificities on the Japanese market. Lastly, this report provides various recommendations to EU companies for a successful market entry.
About the Expert:
Mr Satoh began his career as brand manager and market research manager in automobile companies, before working for a pharmaceutical company as market analyst. Since a few years, Mr Satoh is member of Fenetre Partners and is in charge of market researches. Click here to access her profile page.
The recording of the past webinar covering this topic is available for online viewers here. (Once you are logged in, look for the link below the "After event information")
Picture: Plant tissue culture facility
Copyright: From public domain.
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Joint venture established in 1987 by the European Commission (DG GROW) and the Japanese Government (METI) for promoting all forms of industrial, trade and investment cooperation between the EU and Japan.
The EU-Japan Centre’s activities are subject to the allocation of a Grant Agreement by the European Commission for 2024-2026