
Report: Japanese competence centers in bioinformatics and computational biology


About the report:

This report titled 'Japanese Competence Centers in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology: A primer for European SMEs' provides an overview of the Japanese competence centers in bioinformatics and computational biology. It begins by summarising the main aspects, regulations and current trends of technology in Japan. It then argues that Japan currently has a strong stake in the life sciences industry which has entered an era of “big data”, particularly in several prominent subsectors such as genome sequencing, quantitative and systems biology, personalized medicine and drug design. This report also identifies the major players in the bioinformatics sector from the point of view of EU SMEs and clusters interested in this growing market.

About the expert: 

Professor Rolf Schmid is a consultant with over 40 years’ experience in biotechnology-related R&D and business. Click here to access his profile.

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