
Report: The Japanese Startup Ecosystem - Opportunities for EU Collaboration

This report titled “The Japanese Startup Ecosystem: Opportunities for EU Collaboration” gives an overview of the startup environment in Japan. By defining the characteristics of the Japanese startup ecosystem, this report identifies the opportunities for European entrepreneurs and organisations interested in what the Japanese startup sector has to offer. Furthermore, this report discusses the funding opportunities and available resources for entrepreneurs as well as the different aspects of internationalisation. Lastly, this report provides various recommendations to EU companies for a successful market entry. 

About the Expert:

Ms. Natalie Meyer has a background in Japan market research preparing qualitative and quantitative insight with Nielsen NRG and Asian Consumer Intelligence after working in Tokyo and studying at Waseda University. Since a few years, Ms. Meyer heads up Tokyoesque and the UK arm of software development company ioet LTD. Click here to access her profile page.

The recording of the past webinar covering this topic is available for online viewers here. (Once you are logged in, look for the link below the "After event information") 

Picture: Nihonbashi on the Tokaido
Copyright: From public domain.

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