
Report: From Understanding to Navigating Japanese Business Culture

This report titled “From Understanding to Navigating Japanese Business Culture” provides a comprehensive overview on cultural differences between Japan and Europe in order to help European SMEs accelerate the speed and quality of collaborative arrangements with Japanese partners. Unlike other studies, this report presents the Japanese perspective as captured in their interactions with European companies across a variety of business sectors and business formats. On the basis of many case-studies, this report provides ways of pinpointing how and when European and Japanese companies often find themselves in mystifying misalignment with each other. Finally, it delivers tools and techniques for perfecting ways of navigating Japanese business culture in given contexts, such as informal pre-meetings, formal business meetings, off-site interactions and socialisation.

About the Expert:

Mr Martin Glisby is trained in strategy and cross-cultural management from Harvard Business School, INSEAD and Copenhagen Business School, and his work has been cited by prominent business leaders and professors on the "Top 50 Business School Professors in the World". Mr Glisby owns Glisby & Associates, a consulting company and acts as trusted advisors to top executives and multinational corporations with special reference to Japan. Click here to access his profile page.

The recording of the past webinar covering this topic is available for online viewers here. (Once you are logged in, look for the link below the "After event information") 

Picture: Hokusai, Part of the series Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji
Copyright: From public domain.

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