Nagasaki Prefecture

Nagasaki flag



Prefecture flag

Main City: Nagasaki

Population:  1,378,000 people, ranking 29/47 prefectures (2015) [1]

Area: 4,105 km2 [2]


Geographical / Landscape description

Nagasaki Prefecture is located in the north-western part of Kyushu. It borders Saga Prefecture in the east and is otherwise surrounded by water. The prefecture also includes a very large number of small islands (588). The sea area under the control of the prefectural government is about 25 times the land area itself. [2]


The marine climate is warm and rainy except for the mountainous regions. [2]

Recent history, culture

Due to its position, the prefecture has historical links with nearby Korea and China. It was also the only place in Japan allowed to maintain contact with foreigners (mostly Dutch people) during the nearly 250 years of the Edo period in which Japan was completely isolated from the outside. Therefore Nagasaki acted as a door to western culture and technology.

Nagasaki is also known for being the most Christianized area in Japan. It hosted the first Roman Catholic missions as early as the 16th century. [2][3]


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  • Economic overview
  • Infrastructure
  • Living environment
  • Major types of economic activities
  • Opportunities for EU Investors / Exporters / Importers
  • Setting up a business in the prefecture
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1 EUR = 160,985 JPY