
Business Culture

Presentation: Effective Collaboration with the Japanese
This presentation will introduce you to the various cultural and behavioural differences between Japanese and European cultures.
Presentation: The Realities of Business in Japan
This presentation will outline and explain the various distribution channels which are available to you for your business venture in or with Japan.
Report: Building a Professional Network in Japan
What are the fundamentals of networking in Japan?
Report: Cross Cultural Issues
This report titled gives an overview of basic Japanese business etiquette.
Report: Cultural Approach to Dealing with Japanese Business
This report provides with an overview of Japanese business culture with a focus on differences that occur between SMEs and large companies.
Report: Get to Know your Client and Adapt

About the Report

In ‘Get to know your Client and Adapt’, Mr Huysveld focuses

Report: Smart guide for your first meeting with Japanese

About the Report: 

Report: Sogo Shosha
This report is aimed at EU companies interested in learning about "Sogo Shosha" and the opportunities they present for expanding into the Japanese market.
Report: Understanding Japanese Firm Longevity
How do Japanese firms consistently survive and become some of the oldest firms in the world?
Report: Working in Japan as an Expatriate: Practical Guidance towards Achieving Assignment Success
This report offers practical guidance to EU-based organisations that are considering investing in expatriate assignments as a means towards exploring and exploiting business opportunities in Japan.
Report: Working in Japan as an Expatriate: Step-by-step guide and checklist for future expatriates
This report is prepared for expatriates and human resource staff to secure a smooth transition to Japan.
Selling to Japan Webinar Series
Do you seek to newly develop or re-focus your current positions in the Japanese market?
The Customer is God

It is often said that the customer is always right or even that the customer is king. The corresponding Japanese proverb says that the customer is God (in Japanese, “okyakusama wa kamisama desu”).

Webinar 169: Working in Japan as an Expatriate, part 1 (Achieving assignment success)

Expatriate assignments in Japan: practical guidance towards helping EU-based sm

10:30 - 11:30
Webinar 170: Working in Japan as an Expatriate, part 2 (Step-by-step guide and checklist for future expatriates)

By sending expatriates to Japan, the headquarters will have a better understand

10:30 - 11:30
Webinar 19: Business Negotiations in Japan

What do I need to know before engaging in negotiations with Japan

10:30 - 11:30
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  • EU-Japan NEWS - our flagship newsletter covering the Centre's support services, information about EU (or Member States) - Japan cooperation
  • Japanese Industry and Policy News
  • “About Japan” e-News (Only available for EU companies / EU organisations)
  • Japan Tax and Public Procurement Weekly Tender Digest (Only available for EU companies / EU organisations)
  • Tech Transfer Helpdesk Newsletter
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