

Advertising & Competition
Japanese advertising and competition laws have been subject to government reform and restructuring in the past few years.
Are there regulations for importing radio equipments in Japan?
Article: Guidelines for B2B Marketing in Japan

Article written by 

Article: Guidelines for B2C Marketing in Japan

Article written by 


Japanese consumers have different appetites and expectations than Europeans. If your product or service is to succeed in Japan, you need to know what is expected of your product(s) and what consumers do not want to see.

CANCELLED - 'EPA Helpdesk' webinar series 44: EPA Impact on EU Agri-Food and Textile Exports to Japan

This event has been cancelled.

10:30 - 11:30
Case Studies and Success Stories
Despite the geographical distance, doing business with Japan is not overly complicated and it is not restricted to just the big companies. In fact, many European Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) are successful in Japan.
Case Study: Debailleul: a Belgian SME

DEBAILLEUL - from BE       

Debailleul is a chocolate


 Latest update: April 2023 


 Latest update: September 2023 

Cosmetics & Perfumes
Japan is the third largest market in the world for cosmetics and personal care products. Even though the global pandemic resulted in a significant drop in consumer traffic and inbound tourism, the domestic market continues to grow.
Customs Regulations
Understanding the customs regulations of another country can be a daunting task; however, this section brings together all the information that European enterprises need to know.

 Latest update: June 2023 

Direct Selling
Establishing an office in Japan will allow you to enter the Japanese market and have direct contact with customers and possible partners. However, it is important to note that there are different types of offices, which have various investment and manpower requirements.
Distribution Channels
If you want to sell your product in Japan, you need to be familiar with all the available distribution channels.
EPA & Cheese and Dairy Products
Tariffs currently applied to hard cheeses will gradually be phased out to become zero for unlimited quantities as from 1 April 2033.
EPA & Fisheries
The EU-Japan EPA represents new opportunities to EU companies seeking to export fisheries to Japan. Under the Agreement, all the fish products have been, or will be liberalised over time. 
EPA & Footwear and Leather Products
Information about how the footwear sector can benefit from the EPA preferential tariffs.
EPA & Forestry Products
Information about the EPA's impact on forestry products.
EPA & Fruit and Vegetables
All fresh fruit and vegetables have been liberalised at the entry into force of the Agreement.
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  • EU-Japan NEWS - our flagship newsletter covering the Centre's support services, information about EU (or Member States) - Japan cooperation
  • Japanese Industry and Policy News
  • “About Japan” e-News (Only available for EU companies / EU organisations)
  • Japan Tax and Public Procurement Weekly Tender Digest (Only available for EU companies / EU organisations)
  • Tech Transfer Helpdesk Newsletter
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