
About Innovation
Innovation is seen as the key to economic success in the country, given the scarcity of natural resources and its rapidly ageing population. A renewed focus on achieving this in both the private and public sectors makes Japan the ideal market for European companies to enter.
Article: San-gaku-kan renkei: the Triple Helix Concept in Japan

Article written by Lyckle Griek, Owner, Japan U

Biotech mission to Japan pre-departure briefing


09:30 - 11:00
From the early 2000s to 2020, the MEXT and the METI actively promoted the “Knowledge Cluster Initiative” and the “Industrial Cluster Project” as a means to reinforce international competitiveness and regional development and accelerate the formation of clusters.
ICT mission to Japan pre-departure briefing


09:30 - 11:00
Intellectual Property Rights
This section will provide you with more information about the Japanese protection system for intellectual property, the main procedures to follow and the major costs involved.
Report: A Practical Guide to Intellectual Property Protection and Enforcement in Japan

About the Report

Report: Cluster Mapping in Japan 2016
2016 held mapping attempt of Japanese clusters.
Report: Cluster Mapping in Japan 2022
The EU-Japan Centre proceeded with a new screening online in order to identify new clusters and better assess already existing ones lastly identified in 2016.
Report: EU-Japan Cluster & Region Cooperation

About the Report 

Report: Opportunities in nine digital technology areas
The report has the purpose to show a map of opportunities for venture firms, universities and research institutes in the EU to conduct knowledge transfer with Japanese counterparts in nine digital technology areas.
Report: Smart Cities in Japan
This report assesses the potential for EU-Japan cooperation and business development within the smart cities sector.
Research & Development
Japan’s reputation as an international hub for R&D has been established through heavy investment in this area, making the country a key destination for the establishment of cutting-edge R&D centres.
The several policies and support programs provided by the government, the assistance of angel investors and crowdfunding and the openness of major corporations to support the start-up market, create increasing opportunities for European start-ups to flourish in the Japan market.
Success Story: Think Silicon S.A. / SME

Think Silicon S.A. – from Greece

Think Silicon S.A.

Webinar 168: EU-Japan.AI Project (H2020)


10:30 - 11:30
Webinar 86: EU-Japan collaborative projects on Internet of Things and smart cities: ClouT, FESTIVAL and BigClouT

How to benefit from EU-Japan joint cooperation programmes in the ICT sect

10:00 - 11:00
Webinar 88: EU-Japan Sunjet Project - Aeronautics

How can European and Japanese organisations cooperate in aviation researc

10:30 - 11:30
Where can I find information about ongoing clinical trials in Japan?
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  • EU-Japan NEWS - our flagship newsletter covering the Centre's support services, information about EU (or Member States) - Japan cooperation
  • Japanese Industry and Policy News
  • “About Japan” e-News (Only available for EU companies / EU organisations)
  • Japan Tax and Public Procurement Weekly Tender Digest (Only available for EU companies / EU organisations)
  • Tech Transfer Helpdesk Newsletter
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