
Publications - Reports

In this section, you will find a selection of market reports, fact sheets and publications drawn up by industry experts. This page will be regularly updated and we encourage you to return for future developments.

Report: The Biopharmaceuticals Sector in Japan
This report aims to map out the current state of the biopharmaceuticals market in Japan.
Report: Hydrogen and fuel cells in Japan
The Japanese government is promoting the use of the hydrogen as a clean and alternative energy vector. It is the key for reducing energy procurement.
Guideline: Export Food to Japan
This guideline serves a practical guide to the export-to-sales process, procedures and planning for EU agri-food products to Japan.
Factsheet: EPA & Intellectual Property Rights
The aim of this Factsheet is to explain to European companies how they can leverage the EPA to their advantage when interested in approaching the Japanese market.
Report: Product Liability in Japan
This report issued by Thomson Reuters is written as an informative Q&A and provides comprehensive information on many aspects of product liability in Japan.
Report: Product Regulation, Safety and Recall in Japan
This report issued by Thomson Reuters is written as an informative Q&A and provides comprehensive information on these different points.
Report: Distribution in Japan
This report issued by Thomson Reuters is written as an informative Q&A and provides comprehensive information on many aspects of the distribution process in Japan.
Report: The Country-of-Origin Effect in Japan
This report follows a research on the impact of product origins in the product evaluation of the (Japanese) consumer.
Factsheet: EPA Processed Agricultural Products (PAPs)
The aim of this factsheet is to explain to EU PAPs exporters the market access opportunities offered by the EPA, as well as the relevant Rules of Origin and import procedures in Japan.
Report: Export & Import EU-Japan Trade data 2018
This report provides an overview of trade relations between the EU and Japan in 2018. The report focuses primarily on the balance of trade between Japan.
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