

Report: Export & Import EU-Japan Trade data 2019

About the Report

The report focuses primarily on the balanc

Report: Export & Import EU-Japan Trade data 2020
The report focuses primarily on the balance of trade between Japan, the EU and its constituent Member States in 2020.
Report: Export & Import EU-Japan Trade data 2021

About the Report

The report focuses primarily on the balanc

Report: Export & Import EU-Japan Trade data 2022
The report focuses primarily on the balance of trade between Japan, the EU and its constituent Member States in 2022.
Report: Export & Import EU-Japan Trade data 2023
The report focuses primarily on the balance of trade between Japan, the EU and its constituent Member States in 2023.
Report: Exporting Automotive Parts to Japan
This report provides an overview of the Japanese automotive industry and the options available to European companies interested in expanding into this market.
Report: FDI Incentives by Prefecture

About the Report:

Report: FDI Incentives by Prefecture 2022
This report will provide you with a concise summary of FDI incentives in Japan organised by prefecture.
Report: Financing Opportunities for EU SMEs' Internationalisation in Japan

About the Report 

Report: Financing Sources for EU SMEs in Japan
This report examines the possibilities of financing coming from many sources of potential support.
Report: Fintech Market in Japan
What business opportunities does the Japanese Fintech market offer to EU SMEs?
Report: Foodtech Sector in Japan
The aim of this report is to assess the current status of the evolving foodtech sector in Japan.
Report: From Understanding to Navigating Japanese Business Culture
This report provides a comprehensive overview on cultural differences between Japan and Europe in order to help European SMEs accelerate the speed and quality of collaborative arrangements with Japanese partners.
Report: Frozen Food Market in Japan (incl. Ice Cream)
The report will provide information on recent trends and developments in the frozen food and ice cream market including possibilities for EU SMEs.
Report: Guide to Double Taxation Conventions between the EU and Japan
The purpose of this document is to increase the understanding of double taxation, allowing readers to raise their concerns more accurately regarding double-taxation with their respective accountants.
Report: Healthcare and Welfare Cluster Mapping and Industry Landscape in Japan
This report attempts to map the healthcare and welfare systems of Japan.
Report: Honey Market in Japan
What opportunities does the Japanese honey market offer to EU SMEs?
Report: How to Advertise in Japan
In Japan, the advertising industry is dominated by the giant Japanese agencies.
Report: How To Be Successful In Japan’s Machinery Industry
This report is intended to assist EU companies in entering into and consolidating their presence within the Japanese machinery industry.
Report: How to Draft a Distribution Agreement and Agency Agreement with Japanese Partners
This report provides with the appropriate tools to choose between an Agency or a Distribution Agreement when doing business with a Japanese partner. It also provides the specific terminology (kanji) to distinguish between Distributor and Agency.
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1 EUR = 170,957 JPY