

Report: Japan's Fish, Fisheries and Seafood, a Market Overview
This report is targeted to EU SMEs directly or indirectly involved in the fishing industry.
Report: Japan's Green Transformation (GX) investment policies and implications for EU companies
This report aims to provide basic information on the Green Transformation (GX) policy of the Japanese government and its implication on the main technological fields affected by it.
Report: Japan's Home Fashion & Furniture Market
Because competition between retailers is intensifying, demand for new and exciting products from the EU not yet sold in Japan is increasing. There has never been a better time to sell to Japan.
Report: Japan's Performing Visual Arts Sector
The purpose of this report is to compose a practical Japan entry guide for Arts professionals in Europe who are regularly involved with international shows and event organisation.
Report: Japan's Premium Food market
This report targets EU food companies seeking to find new export markets, in this case Japan.
Report: Japanese acquisitions of European companies
This report outlines how managers in European SMEs might prepare for acquisition by a Japanese company and the reasons of these acquisitions in Europe.
Report: Japanese competence centers in bioinformatics and computational biology
This report provides an overview of the Japanese competence centers in bioinformatics and computational biology.
Report: Japanese Consumers' Behavior (by age and gender)
This report provides an overview of the current situation on the Japanese consumer market (as of January 2021).
Report: Japanese Convenience Stores and Drugstores: Opportunities for European Snack and Beverage Products under Corona
This report presents an overview of trends and opportunities on the Japanese convenience store and drugstore market under the Corona pandemic and delivers strategic insight, tactical guidance and real-life examples of how to succeed in the Japanese convenience store and drugstore market.
Report: Japanese Cosmetics Market Obstacles and Opportunities for European SMEs
The report attempts to provide an overview of the Japanese cosmetic market.
Report: Japanese Electronics Sector

About the Report:

Report: Japanese ICT Clusters
This report analyses Japan’s ICT Industry.
Report: Japanese Plastic Products and Components

About the Report

This report titled 'Plastic Products and Components

Report: Japanese Railway Market
This report gives an overview of the Japanese railway market
Report: Japanese-European Mergers & Acquisitions: Cross-cultural challenges and keys to post-M&A success
“Japanese-European M&As: Cross-cultural challenges and keys to post-M&A success” aims to better understand the reasons why European-Japanese M&As have not been more successful in the post-M&A process.
Report: Japan’s Private Equity and Venture Capital Landscape for EU SMEs and Start-ups
The capital market for SMEs and start-ups consists of several segments, ranging from SME lending and crowdfunding to business angels and venture capital markets.
Report: Latest trends in biotechnology research in Japan
Japan spends consistently over 3% of its GDP on R&D, of which some 70% come from industry. Concerning biotech-related R&D, more than half is directed towards pharmaceutical and medical goals.
Report: Latest Trends in Japan Nanotech Sector
Nanotechnology is key sector for the future of our industry, and Japan is emerging as a leader of this field. 
Report: Local Decarbonisation in Japan - Municipalities, Regions and Clusters on the Road to Carbon Neutrality
This report takes a look at Japan’s decarbonisation strategies, with a focus on the local and regional levels.
Report: Management of Contract Terms in Japan
This report is intended to help EU companies with the management of credits and liabilities when establishing contracts in Japan with Japanese business partners.
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1 EUR = 170,957 JPY