
Publications - Reports

In this section, you will find a selection of market reports, fact sheets and publications drawn up by industry experts. This page will be regularly updated and we encourage you to return for future developments.

Report: Baby Goods Market in Japan
This report aims at providing an overview of the current baby goods market in Japan.
Report: Newspace Market in Japan
The report will provide information regarding the main players in the Japanese Space Industry, applicable regulations for Japanese companies, and identified suppliers related to the space sector.
Report: The Log House Market in Japan
This work is a snapshot of the position that log houses occupy in the Japanese housing market and the opportunities that European SMEs related to this sector can encounter in it.
Report: Market Situation and Potentials in Japan for Plastic Recycling Technologies
What business opportunities does the Japanese plastic recycling market offer to EU SMEs?
Report: Importance and Advantages of Interim Management for Strategic Business Development in Japan
What are the Advantages and Typical Use Cases of Interim Management for Business Development in Japan?
Report: Confectionery Market in Japan
What opportunities does the Japanese confectionery market offer to EU SMEs?
Report: How to Export to Japan (Food Sector) - Quick Guide 2023
It has been 3 years since the EPA entered into force. The EU food sector is one of the major industries benefiting from the agreement.
Case study - Abbeal
Abbeal is a French start-up specialized in web and mobile development consultancy. They recently expanded their business and met quite a big success in Japan.
Report: Cross-cultural awareness and the importance of corporate culture
This report focuses on the link between a strategic company plan for business with Japan, and the cross-cultural differences (business and private) between the home market and Japan.
Report: Honey Market in Japan
What opportunities does the Japanese honey market offer to EU SMEs?
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