
Publications - Reports

In this section, you will find a selection of market reports, fact sheets and publications drawn up by industry experts. This page will be regularly updated and we encourage you to return for future developments.

Report: Japan's Home Fashion & Furniture Market
Because competition between retailers is intensifying, demand for new and exciting products from the EU not yet sold in Japan is increasing. There has never been a better time to sell to Japan.
Report: Railways Market in Japan
The report analyses recent developments of the Japanese railway industry. From a European perspective, the Japanese railroad sector exhibits many peculiarities that make it significantly different from railroad markets in EU countries.
Report: Pet Products Market in Japan
Japan’s pet industry is one of the largest in the world, worth over JPY1.65 trillion (Euro1.2 billion) at retail value. Unlike many product categories in Japan, pet products are unusual since foreign manufacturers, especially in pet food, have the largest market shares rather than domestic Japanese companies.
Case study - UAB GELD BALTIC Super Garden
CASE STUDY - UAB GELD BALTIC Super Garden Freeze-dried berries, veggies, and ice cream entering the Japanese market
Report: Sports Equipment Market in Japan
The sports equipment market in Japan is worth over Euro 11.9billion. Although the market’s growth dipped during the pandemic, it is now rebounding quickly.
Report: Export & Import EU-Japan Trade data 2021

About the Report

The report focuses primarily on the balanc

Report: Digital Apps Market in Japan
Japanese mobile apps market is influenced by global trends of IoT, automatization, digital shift prompted by the COVID-19 related lockdowns, safety measures as well as promotion of cashless transactions and policy of Japanese government towards structural and demographic challenges.
Report: Clean Technology mapping in Japan
Japan’s renewables market has experienced substantial growth over the past decade across most of the industry’s segments. This provides opportunities to EU SMEs interested in the market.
Report: IoT Market in Japan
This report is provided for SMEs in the EU planning to market and sell their IoT products in Japan. The document will describe the market, opportunities, and challenges.
EPA Export Handbook: A guide to help EU SMEs export to Japan
You would like to know if your goods may benefit from the existing free trade agreement between the EU and Japan? You are exporting to Japan but are unsure what 'preferential tariff treatment', 'rules of origin' and 'HS codes' are?
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1 EUR = 172,396 JPY