

Report: The Non-Life Insurance Sector in Japan
This report is the result of extensive research into the non-life insurance industry in Japan.
Report: The Olive Oil Market in Japan
This report will provide European SMEs with insights into the opportunities and key success factors for entry into the Japanese olive oil market.
Report: The Tourism Sector in Japan
This report takes a close look at the characteristics and trends of this sector.
Report: The Vegetarian and Vegan market(s) in Japan
This report introduces the main factors that are supporting a growing interest in vega/vegetarianism in Japan.
Report: Tokyo 2020 Games - Identifying Japan Market Entry and Partnership Opportunities for EU SMEs
This report aims to compose a practical Japan entry guide for European SMEs in order to successfully identify and take advantage of business opportunities within the technology sector leading up to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Report: Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games
This report suggests various opportunities for European companies that will arise from the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo in 2020.
Report: Toy Industry and Market in Japan
This report gives a brief overview of the Japanese toy market.
Report: Transport & Logistics
This report focuses on the Japanese transport and logistics sector.
Report: Understanding Japanese Firm Longevity
How do Japanese firms consistently survive and become some of the oldest firms in the world?
Report: Update on cell technology, cell therapy, tissue engineering and gene therapy in Japan
This report is an updated edition of a first study on cell technology, cell therapy, tissue engineering and gene therapy in Japan published in 2015.
Report: Virtual and Augmented Reality Market in Japan
This report aims to act as a guide for this recent industry in Japan, and to locate opportunity spaces for European entrepreneurs and investors to connect with the market.
Report: Waste Management and Recycling in Japan Opportunities for European Companies (SMEs focus)
This report from the EU-Japan Centre gives an overview of the Japanese waste management and recycling market.
Report: White Biotechnology
This report describes some of the mechanisms by which EU SMEs can get involved in Biotechnology in Japan
Report: Wind energy in Japan Industrial cooperation and business potential for European companies
The report maps Japanese key players of the wind energy sector and presents business opportunities the market holds.
Report: Working in Japan as an Expatriate: Practical Guidance towards Achieving Assignment Success
This report offers practical guidance to EU-based organisations that are considering investing in expatriate assignments as a means towards exploring and exploiting business opportunities in Japan.
Report:Guide on Importers and Wholesale Distributors in Japan (food and wine; ICT; medical devices)
This report from the EU-Japan Centre provides a useful summary on distribution networks in Japan in food and wine, ICT and medical devices sectors.
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